
The advertising industry is a very competitive one. As a brand, we want to ensure that the way our product or service is advertised is effective and engaging. However, there are many challenges that can arise when it comes to advertising. Not only do brands need to consider how they will market their product but also if they have the resources available for such marketing techniques as well as whether or not those resources will even be effective in presenting their message.

In the world of advertising, an advertising agency in Egypt and all other agencies will face new challenges. The experts at Adweek have compiled a list of six major challenges that brands may face in 2022, and it’s worth taking a look to figure out how you can prepare for them now.

The advertising industry is a very competitive one. As a وكالة تسويق للعلامات التجارية في مصر و السعودية, we want to ensure that the way our product or service is advertised is effective and engaging. However, there are many challenges that can arise when it comes to advertising. In the coming year, brands may face advertising challenges. In this post, we will take a look at some of these challenges and discuss ways to overcome them.

Targeting the Precise Target Audience:

There’s a popular adage that goes, “Advertising is about reaching the correct audience, with the correct message, at the proper time.” However, reaching the appropriate target audience is becoming increasingly difficult and challenging.

“Even if companies utilize retargeting and sophisticated audience funnel development, they must still be concerned about Apple’s tracking changes, in which people don’t see advertising. Because consumers on Apple devices may choose to decline advertisements, company outcomes could be lower than in previous months or years.”

How to maneuver around this problem: This is a major issue, and while it may have an impact on certain advertising campaigns, remember that the business will adapt to meet this problem. In fact, this might mean that companies will turn to more local advertisement possibilities and/or advertise for loyal consumers. These are just a few suggestions; however, as the appropriate audience reaches out, the advertising

Setting Aside Enough Money:

Another problem that marketers will confront in the future is managing enough money. When it comes to marketing and advertising for small and medium-sized businesses, budget is usually a problem, but this issue will soon affect bigger firms as well.

“Advertising is no longer an option for businesses; they must invest in it. Brands must spend money on advertising now, as opposed to previously when ads were an afterthought. Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Google Ads, and other platforms may be used to run campaigns. In the following months, organic reach will be reduced significantly.

How to maneuver around this problem: As social media, organic reach decreases and SEO results become more volatile, Turchetti’s analysis becomes more and more plausible. The easiest method to counteract this is to have your leadership and executive team see the statistics, as well as raise your overall advertising budget.


Of course, the problem of scaling advertising is another major issue that businesses confront. You must develop online campaigns that may be expanded as your business grows.

“It’s not just about building a successful campaign,” Turchetti adds. It is and will continue to be so. Consider how many advertising campaigns have been developed by brands that are thought of as the best at converting prospects. They conduct A / B tests and figure out which CTA is best for each campaign; it isn’t

How to maneuver around this problem: “Brands have to work hard to develop, test, and run strong landing pages targeting multiple target groups and marketing channels differently,” Torchetti says.


Online advertising is competitive, as we already know. This competitiveness makes it tough for companies to reach the right audience in the correct manner. “As more businesses enter the online advertising field,” says Lewis Goldstein, president of Blue Wind Marketing, “the rivalry will only grow more intense.”

How to maneuver around this problem: Goldstein advises that you get to know your target audience on a deeper level. He comments, “This will require advertisers to delve further into consumers’ reasons (logic) and sentiments (emotions).” The better you understand your target demographic, the simpler it will be to develop successful advertising strategies.

Relying On One Marketing Channel:

It’s highly doubtful that advertising on the internet feels like a choice right about now. However, relying on one marketing channel is a major problem in the business. “With Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp’s recent outage, it’s never been more obvious that relying on one marketing channel – even if you’ve mastered it – is a bad idea,” says

The best approach to overcome this problem is to strategically think about which platforms you advertise on. “This is why it’s important to diversify the channels you use so that you’re ready for every season,” says Goldstein.

Reduce The Influence Of Emotions:

We’ve seen a surge of nostalgia and sentimentality in advertising in recent years, and it appears that this is here to stay. Even if you believe that this is simply a fad that will pass, think again.

“Appealing to consumers solely based on logic and ignoring the critical role of emotions leaves a lot of money on the table,” says Goldstein. People buy goods and services because they believe it is the correct thing to do. Emotions have been scientifically proved to influence decision-making behavior.

How to maneuver around this problem: Emotions drive purchasing decisions, so rely on scientific evidence to show that they influence buying choices. Use this information to enhance your advertising strategies so that you can interact more effectively with your target audience.

The advertising world is ever-changing, and as technology advances, new problems emerge. It’s crucial to consider these obstacles, examine solutions for overcoming them, and modify your ad campaign accordingly.
