
Taking a proactive approach to branding can help you build a company identity that resonates with customers over time – leading to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and higher sales. Many businesses will only focus on branding when they are ready to launch a new product or service. In doing so, they may miss out on opportunities to create a name for themselves and form a relationship with their customers long before their actual launch. It’s important to identify the right time to shift focus and invest in branding, which is something that requires strategy and forethought.

Factors those effects new product:

When launching a new product or service: Brand identity, research, audits, Market analysis, and for Brand rebranding: Brand messaging, Brand awareness, and while updating your messaging: Brand colors and fonts, Slogan or tagline are the main factors which effects our branding. Brand marketing is not always an easy task. In fact, there’s a lot that goes into developing a brand identity than just deciding upon colors and fonts. Branding takes time and effort before it begins to take shape – but once everything starts coming together productively it can become one of your company’s most valuable assets.

There are several reasons why a company might want to shift focus onto branding. Brand recognition and awareness is obviously the most important benefit of branding, but equally important is the fact that it helps establish a customer’s trust in a business before they even make a purchase. Branding can be a powerful tool for building loyalty, credibility, and customer retention.

In particular, there are three main times when businesses should pay close attention to their branding:

When launching a new product or service

This includes anything from beginning development of an idea to incorporating. If you’re considering launching something new, then now would be the right time to begin focusing on your brand identity. It will require careful planning and research into your target market to create an identity that will resonate with customers. Branding research, brand audits, and market analysis are just some of the things you’ll need to do in order to get started.

Brand rebranding​

Brand rebranding includes any significant change which requires repositioning or repackaging a business’s identity. For example, if your product is changed dramatically (i.e., if the ingredients are altered), or if a new company takes over your business or merges with another business, then this would be a good time to consider a complete refresh of your branding strategy as well as your logo and other design elements.

When updating your messaging

If your company decides it wants to completely change its message to customers, then this would be a good time to re-evaluate all your branding elements. Brand messaging and brand awareness go hand-in-hand, so if you want your message to resonate with customers, then it should be reflected in everything from your logo design to the colours that are used on your website. It could also mean letting go of an outdated or irrelevant slogan or tagline for something more current and relevant.

A brand is the sum of its parts

A brand is one of the most important aspects of any business. A brand is not a logo. It’s not a mission statement, or a tagline. A brand is the sum of its parts: the people who make it up, the story it tells, and the experience it provides. Designer Symbols understands this better than anyone, which is why we take such care in developing our brands. We believe that every detail counts, and that a holistic approach is the only way to create a truly successful brand.

Brand marketing is not always an easy task. In fact, there’s a lot that goes into developing a brand identity than just deciding upon colors and fonts. Branding takes time, effort, and several rounds of brainstorming before it begins to take shape – but once everything starts coming together productively, it can become one of your company’s most valuable and profitable assets. Branding is ultimately about creating a connection with your target market, and offering them something that they can’t find anywhere else.

Branding agencies in Egypt will be able to help you with any aspect of designing your visual identity (logo, colors), messaging (taglines/slogans), and overall message to the general public through various such as web-based promotion/marketing. Branding is not always an easy process, but putting in the time and effort now will help ensure your business’s future success.


The brand is one of the most important assets a company has. It’s what differentiates your product from all the others on the market and it can be leveraged to increase sales, create trust with customers, and make more money in business-to-business transactions. However, this doesn’t mean you should focus exclusively on branding at any time during your entrepreneurial journey. When launching a new service or product for example, investing heavily in marketing before developing an effective brand strategy will likely lead to wasted resources as you’ll have little traction without first creating awareness around your offering. Similarly, when updating messaging or rebranding – if done poorly these efforts could actually harm the reputation of your business rather than improve it.
